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Chiyomusubi Oyaji Gokuraku-Jungin(Tottori)

Specially designated name Junmai-Ginjo-shu 
Material Rice
Polishing ratio 50%
Alcohol 16度
Sake meter value
Acid Level
Amino Level
Rich / Light medium light 
Dry / Sweet medium sweet 
Taste Type Kunshu 
Specially designated name Junmai-Ginjo-shu 
Material Rice
Polishing ratio 50%
Alcohol 16度
Sake meter value
Acid Level
Amino Level
Rich / Light medium light 
Dry / Sweet medium sweet 
Taste Type Kunshu 
Brewed by Chiyomusubi Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Production Tottori 
Brewing Method  
Sake Yeast
Recommended temperature cold 
Last Update(2019/7/14)

Product Description


Sake Search Review


Oyaji Gokuraku-Jungin is produced by Chiyomusubi Sake Brewery, which is located in Sakaiminato city of Tottori prefecture. It became famous when “Ge Ge Ge no Nyobo,” one of the NHK morning dramas, was broadcasted a quite while ago. The city is also the hometown of Shigeru Mizuki, a Japanese cartoonist of “Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro.”

Many “Yokai”(monsters) statues are displayed on the road, “Mizuki Shigeru road,” which is the 800 meters long, stretching toward the East from Sakaiminato station to the Honcho arcade.

This sake was created in collaboration with the cartoonist partly because the brewery is on the road.



The label of the sake bottle has the term, “Gokuraku” (heaven) and the drawing of “Medama (eyeball) no Oyaji (father) soaking in a bathtub”, which conveys a sense of heaven.

Looking at the back of the bottle, you will find the conversation between Oyaji and Kitaro.

Oyaji: What a nice bath! Could you prepare the sake for me, please?

Kitaro: Dad, is that a treasured sake?

Oyaji: Yes. That is the one which has an out-of-the-world taste. For me, there is nothing better than enjoying it after taking a bath. It is heaven.



The aroma is fruity, like a melon.

The flavour is sweet as you can imagine from the aroma.

When you drink it, you will feel subtle alcohol. It is crisp, light and delicious.

After tasting it, a strong sense of alcohol entertains your palate.

“Oyaji Gokuraku Jungin” features a strong taste of sake with sweetness and umami. It is undoubtedly heavenly delicious.


[Food pairing]

“Cheddar cheese”

This is a delicious cheese known for its salty and rich creamy taste.

When paring with “Oyaji ginjo,” the cheese’s saltiness and umami are enhanced by the sake.

The sake featuring umami and a typical sake flavour has a distinctive taste of dairy.
That is why this drink goes with strong flavoured cheddar cheese.


Link to buy this sake

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