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Tokubetsu Junmai Watarai Dewanosato(Yamagata)

Specially designated name Tokubetsu-Junmai-shu 
Material Rice Dewanosato
Polishing ratio 60%
Alcohol 15度
Sake meter value ±0
Acid Level 1.2
Amino Level 1.1
Rich / Light  
Dry / Sweet  
Taste Type  
Specially designated name Tokubetsu-Junmai-shu 
Material Rice Dewanosato
Polishing ratio 60%
Alcohol 15度
Sake meter value ±0
Acid Level 1.2
Amino Level 1.1
Rich / Light  
Dry / Sweet  
Taste Type  
Brewed by Watarai Honten Co., Ltd.
Production Yamagata 
Brewing Method  
Sake Yeast
Recommended temperature  
Last Update(2019/8/3)

Product Description


Sake Search Review


Watarai Honten is an established brewery, which started its business in 1615, and takes pride in an over-400 years history. The brewery founded during the regime of the Second Shogun Hidetada Tokugawa.

Tsuruoka city of Yamagata prefecture flourishes its rice farming in Shonai plains, in which many types of rice are cultivated for sake breweries, such as Miyamanishiki, Yamadanishiki, Kamenoo, Dewasansan and Dewanosato.

The Shonai region, which is surrounded by Mt Shikai in the north and Mt Gessen in the South East, produces high-quality subsoil water. The cultivated rice, the brewery-made yeast and the spring water coming through the granite stratum of Mt Gassan and Mt Asahi are the ingredients for the sake.



“Special Junmai Watarai Dewanosato” is the sake made of rice called “Dewanosato” which is polishing by 60%.

It has received the gold prize of “The 2017 wine glass de Oishi Japanese Sake Award.”



When sipping the sake, I felt the fruity aroma and umami from rice. Afterwards, it brought a balanced flavor of a robust dryness, bitterness and pleasant tanginess.

The well-chilled sake boosts the fruitiness. As the temperature goes up, the flavor turns to “wild.” So, I would recommend drinking a cold sake straight from the fridge!

With a wine glass, the sharp and pleasant taste had increased gradually. In the end, I felt the balanced flavor strongly.

With a thicker sake glass, I felt the intense umami and sweetness of fruity flavor. Personally. I prefer the sake glass.


[Food pairing]

“Hiya-Yakko (cold tofu) “

When pairing it with the sake, it went with soy sauce, rather than Tofu. In my mouth, it got married to little soy sauce, which brought out the sweetness of the soy sauce. Many people may think that soy sauce is salty. However, thanks to the experience, I was able to taste another dimension of the soy sauce, sweetness.


“Karamiso ramen ( ramen noodle in spicy miso soup)”

I tried the food pairing with both Yamagata products as I had the Yamagata Akayu Karamiso ramen produced by the restaurant, “Ryu Shanghai,” at home.

Initially, I expected that the clear-flavored Japanese sake wouldn’t have gone well with the strong flavored ramen. However, compatibility was excellent.

Especially, the noodle and the drink was a perfect match. The thick noodle featuring a sticky texture is an abundance in the sweetness of wheat, which compromises the counterpart’s sweet flavor.

After having lots of soup, I tasted a little sake. Disappointingly, the sake flavor was overwhelmed by it. Having said that, if you sip a little soup, it works. The sweet and spicy miso soup matches the sake. I enjoyed the well-balanced taste.


Link to buy this sake




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