Trip to Komoro ― to the Old Main Street 2 ―

Thank you very much for seeing this blog today.
Last time, I came to Honmachi from Kaiko-en through the front of Nabebuta Castle ruin.
This time is the continuation.


I walked straight from the Honmachi intersection toward the north.Last blog, I introduced a Ramen shop “Nuga-Muchu” at this intersection. This shop’s appearance has atmosphere of old liquor store.The road is extending from there to the north and this road is the old Hokkoku Kaidou. I introduced Yanagi-machi with the article of Ueda City, and Yanagi cho was along the Hokkoku Kaidou.
Honmachi is where old buildings along the Hokkoku Kaidou remain as well as Yanagi cho.We proceed to the north and then you can see the shop on your right.


This shop is “Hitsuke Touzoku”, in English “Fire Burglar”. Huh! Is it? A name with impact!
When turning to the side of the shop it is like this.


1. Let’s set emotional fire with old Komoro Castle Town!
2. Let’s set fire which makes traditional Hon-machi exuberant!
3. Let’s set fire which impress all customers coming
4. Steal the customer’s heart (in another words, Let’s make the customer’s love us)
5. Lastly, set burning fire to ourselves!

Well, that’s why it is a “Fire Burglar”. “Burglar” is like a “Burglar working for the weak”^^
Unfortunately, it was “extinguished” because I visited after lunch time.
I wonder what are appearing on the bill during shop opening. I would definitely like to visit on occasion.

And, because of “extinguishing fire”, there was no menu, so do not know what kind of sake in this restaurant.
Because of such reasons, I should visit when the shop is open!

Going further north from “Hitsuke-Touzoku”, then,



This is “Hokkoku Kaidou Honmachi Machiya Kan”, in English “Guest House of Honmachi of Commercial town along the Hokkoku Load”.

According to Web site of Komoro City, it was constructed as a facility which can be used for multi purposes such as conference, exhibition, event etc. by making use of former Shimizu-ya building, which used to manufacture miso and soy sauce until 1950s.

Of the two pictures, you can see the gate on below picture, and you can go to the viewing stand.

Through the gate,


Walking forward,


It seems to be made by children, and it melting but looked like some kind of animal.

It looks staring at somewhere far away.
Let’s see the end of that eyes.


There is Ueda Castle.
Just before the Sekigahara battle, the troops of the Tokugawa led by Hidetada Tokugawa puts the headquarter in Komoro, to attack Ueda castle.
Mr. Tokugawa seems to have been watching Ueda castle from here, like me.

Today, there are a lot of houses,and I do not see where Ueda City is, but after seeing such a story I would like to see far away feeling the atmosphere of a big battle over 400 years ago.
I feel like being able to do it a little.

The previous picture is a one taking the northwestern direction, but this viewing stand is opened in the north and northeast.
Let’s post it in order as the end of today’s article.
The mountain on the most right of the more below picture is Mt. Asama.



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