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Machida-Shuzo Tokubetsu-Junmai(Gumma)

Specially designated name Tokubetsu-Junmai-shu 
Type raw 
Material Rice
Polishing ratio 55%
Alcohol 16度
Sake meter value +-1
Acid Level
Amino Level
Rich / Light medium 
Dry / Sweet medium sweet 
Taste Type  
Specially designated name Tokubetsu-Junmai-shu 
Type raw 
Material Rice
Polishing ratio 55%
Alcohol 16度
Sake meter value +-1
Acid Level
Amino Level
Rich / Light medium 
Dry / Sweet medium sweet 
Taste Type  
Brewed by Machida Shuzouten Co. Ltd.
Production Gumma 
Brewing Method  
Sake Yeast
Recommended temperature cold 
Last Update(2020/4/29)

Product Description


Sake Search Review

[About Kuramoto] The Kuramoto was located in Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture, established in 1883.
At the National Industrial Exhibition in 1903, their sake was awarded a compliment with the Emperor’s emblem.

[Taste] It doesn’t have that much scent.
Putting it in mouth, it feels a bit trough.
The taste was somewhat sweet and light.

It feels a rich sake, perhaps because it is refreshing but has a thick taste.
A delicious sake with a strange feeling.

[Mariage] “Cream cheese with Shuto”
Shuto has a good salty taste and a good taste.
Cream cheese is characterized by its gentle sweetness.

If you eat both together, the salty taste of sake stealing disappears, and the sweetness of cheese and the umami of Shuto are brought out to each other.
When tasted with this sake, the flavor of sake enhances the sweetness of cheese and Shuto.
This sake increases the flavor of the strong dish,


Link to buy this sake

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