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Specially designated name Honjozo 
Material Rice Yamadanishiki
Polishing ratio 70%
Alcohol 15度
Sake meter value ±0
Acid Level 1.6
Amino Level
Rich / Light  
Dry / Sweet  
Taste Type  
Specially designated name Honjozo 
Material Rice Yamadanishiki
Polishing ratio 70%
Alcohol 15度
Sake meter value ±0
Acid Level 1.6
Amino Level
Rich / Light  
Dry / Sweet  
Taste Type  
Brewed by KENBISHI SAKE Brewering Co., Ltd.
Production Hyogo 
Brewing Method  
Sake Yeast
Recommended temperature hot warm 
Last Update(2018/6/30)

Product Description


Sake Search Review

It’s made in Itami City in Hyogo Prefecture, and was called “Kudari-zake”, which means sake sent to Edo (Tokyo) in the Edo period.

Sake which weren’t sent to Edo were called “Kudaranai-sake” (“kudaranai” is the negative form of “kudaru”).
After this story, the word “kudaranai” started to mean “boring” (as “Kudaranai-sake” was worthless to be sent to Edo).
The origin of the word is this “Kenbishi”.

In the website of Kenbishi’s brewry, “Kenbishi Shuzo”, there are more stories about this sake such as the sake was selected as the special sake for 8th Shogun, Yoshimune Tokugawa.
The taste was, like it’s meant to be the opposite of “boring”, very unique.

It should depend on the person who try it, but in my case, I thought that it was like Shokoshu (Chinese sake) which has stronger sour taste.
But the unique flavor was not so strong when it was served hot.


Link to buy this sake

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